Here are the message forums we have available at this moment.  You will find the forum name followed by a short description of this forum.  REMEMBER: Your usage of this board is a privelage, not a right.  We reserve the right to delete or edit messages.
Message Forums Available:
The Eucharist Discuss and ask questions about  the Real Presence of Christ during Communion.
Reconcilation Discuss and ask questions about the Sacrament of Reconciliation (also know as confession or penance).
The Seven Sacraments Discuss and ask questions about the seven sacraments except the Eucharist and Reconciliation (see above).
Sexuality Discuss and ask questions about pre-marital sex, masterbation, oral sex, sex inside of marriage, and more. Excluding Pro-Life issue of abortion.
Pro-Life Issues Discuss and ask questions about the Pro-Life issues.  Including abortion, contraception, natrual family planning (NFP), capital punishment, and euthanasia.
Mary and Saints Discuss and ask questions about Mary's perpetual virginity, assumption, immaculate conception, and her title as Mother of God.  Also asking the Saints to pray for us.
Salvation Discuss and ask questions about Salvation, including the existance and nature of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory.
General FAQ Any topics not covered above may be posted here.

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