The Church and Her Authority

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Document Title Author Type Desc.
The Lord's Day James Kiefer TEXT What Biblical authority is there, if any, to change the Sabbath from the Seventh day of the week to the First day of the week?
Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth Karl Keating HTML This is a very nice booklet for anyone interested in the Church. (Highly recommended).
The Church and the Rock Rev. Edward J. Hayes et alii TEXT Our Lord made Simon Peter alone the rock and key bearer of the Church, and appointed him shepherd of the whole flock. And 'The Authority of the Church' This infallibility with which the divine Redeemer willed his Church to be endowed in defining a doctrine of faith and morals extends as far as extends the deposit of divine revelation, which must be religiously guarded and faithfully expounded. Taken from 'Catholicism and Reason'. 
Authoritatively No Authority to Ordain
Stanley L. Jaki Text Fr. Jaki discusses ordination of women in the Anglican Church and Cardinal Newman's lectures, 'Anglican Difficulties.'
Papal Magisterium, Natural Law, and Humanae Vitae


Joseph Costanzo S.J. Text Fr. Costanzo examines the supposition, openly or implicitly avowed by some critics of Humanae vitae, that when the Roman Pontiff teaches a moral doctrine that is based on the divine natural law, he is philosophically accountable to the faithful. Or, in other words, when the Vicar of Christ presents a rational argumentation, acceptance and submission by the faithful depends on its conclusive demonstrative force. This supposition, Father explains, is a misconstruction of the nature and function of the papal teaching authority.
On the Church Pope Paul VI HTML Ecclesiam Suam.' Promulgated Aug. 6, 1964. On role of the Church in the world and the attitudes of the Church in relation to the world.
Keeping Catholics Catholic - Timeline of the RC Church Tim Rash HTML A fairly lengthy timeline of the Roman Catholic Church. (suggested).
What's Your Authority on That? Karl Keating HTML N/A
The Marks and Attributes of the Church Tim Rash TEXT N/A
Did Jesus Really Make Peter Pope? Fr. William Saunders TEXT N/A
The Primacy of the Pope in the Church Pedro Rodriguez TEXT N/A
Was Peter the First Pope?, Part 1/2 Art Kelly HTML N/A
Was Peter the First Pope?, Part 2/2 Art Kelly HTML N/A
Woman's Authority in the Church Monica Migliorino Miller TEXT The feminist challenge to the Catholic Faith is based upon a deep misunderstanding. This article was taken from the September 1995 issue of 'Crisis' magazine.
The Authority of the Church


Most Rev. John Murphy HTML In the turbulent days following Vatican II, Archbishop Murphy addressed the problem of false ecumenism. While the Church should speak to modern man in language he can understand, changes in theological language cannot be made apart from the Magisterium without falling into heresy.
Ordinatio Sacerdotalis: Exercise in Infallibility


Jeff Mirus TEXT Jeff Mirus reflects on Ordinatio Sacerdotalis as an excercise of papal infallibility. (Ordinatio Sacerdotalis is the Apostolic Letter in which JP II declared that the Church has non authority to ordain women to the priesthood.)
Who Has the Authority to Perform Exorcisms? CRNET TEXT This question is answered by the Host of the Cults & New Age Forum.
Who Has The Power To Exorcise Demons?


CRNET TEXT The following question was asked of the priest counselor of this forum; 'Since Protestants have no real concept of a central infallible authority, would God have granted us the power [to exorcise a demon] simply because we were acting on what we believed to be the proper scriptural interpretation?' This file contains father's answer.
Magisterium Exercises Authority in Christ's Name Pope John Paul II HTML Address to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 11/24/95
He Who Hears You, Hears Me


Fr. William Most TEXT An examination of the Scriptural and Patristic texts that bear on the question of whether the statement 'He who hears you hears me' can be used to support the teaching authority of the Church.
Gift of Authority ARCIC TEXT This document of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Theological Commission (ARCIC) represents the fruit of ecumenical dialogue on the subject of authority in the Church. It remains to be studied by the ecclesial authorities of the Anglican Communion and the Apostolic See.  Released at the same time are a statement of the Co-Chairmen of ARCIC, the document itself.  Gift of Authority, and a commentary on it by Fr. William Henn, OFM Capuchin.
Authority and Discipline


Cardinal Pericle Felici HTML Taking occasion from the Feast of Christ the King (1968)Cardinal Felici addressed criticism of Pope Paul's Humanae Vitae, by summarizing the relationship and mutual responsibilities of superior and subject in the Church.
Trust in the Teaching Authority of the Church La Civilta Cattolica HTML This article responds to rationales for refusing to accept decisions of the magisterium. While the distinction between the "Teaching Church" and the "Learning Church" is not as clearcut as it once was, the charism of authentically interpreting the Word of God, written or handed down, continues to belong to the hierarchy alone.
Who Do You Say I Am?: A New Way of Thinking (Listen / Download) Fr. Mitch Pacwa Real Audio Why are people involved in the New Age movement? Fr. Pacwa says that they are motivated by the search for meaning. For many of them the normal sources of authority has lost its authority. They like to question everything. He looks at why the believe that everything can be considered  to be a god. They believe that everything physical is just an illusion. It is your mind that creates the stars. If you develop your mind/conscience more, you'll be able to create more powerful things. They think all the world and everything that is physical in it is just an illusion. He also looks at why they have turned away from the church. 
Vatican II: An Introduction
(Listen / Download)
Dr. Allen Schreck Real Audio Dr. Alan Schreck looks at the most recent council of the church which was held almost 30 years ago. He talks about what the councils are and what they do. He says that councils are called to respond to the challenges of the world of the day. This council has caused a lot of confusion and he talks about why this has happened. There have been three councils called over the last 400 years and Dr. Schreck talks about what they were called to do. He then talks about to read the documents from the council. There were 16 documents issued and four constitutions or pillars. He talks about how Vatican II affected the Church and why it was called. The Church was stable but the world was changing. He talks about the vision of the Vatican council and what the authority of Vatican II was. People are afraid of Vatican II but we shouldn't be afraid.
Authority in the Church
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Deal Hudson with guest Fr. Joseph Poterski  Real Audio N/A
Authority of the Church
(Listen / Download)
Rick Howick Real Audio N/A

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The Blessed Trinity

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Document Name Author Type Desc.
On the Holy Spirit Ambrose TEXT N/A
On the Holy Spirit Pope Leo XIII TEXT N/A
On the Holy Spirit Pope Paul II TEXT N/A
The Holy Trinity St. Thomas Aquinas HTML N/A
Theolgy 601: The Living God Fr. William Most TEXT N/A
The Trinity and God the Creator Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange TEXT N/A
On the Trinity, Books I-V

On the Trinity, Books VI-VIII

On the Trinity, Books XI-XII

On the Trinity, Books IX-X

Hilary of Poitiers TEXT N/A
On the Holy Trinity, and the Godhead of the Holy Spirit, against Eustathius Gregory of Nyssa TEXT N/A
On the Trinity Gregory Thaumaturgos (Gregory the Wonder-Worker) TEXT N/A
The Blessed Trinity Catholic Encyclopedia TEXT N/A
The Holy Trinity: One God, Three Persons Rev. Herbert de Launay TEXT N/A

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Document Name Author Type Desc.
These Are the Sacraments Fulton Sheen TEXT N/A
The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church Scott Hahn TEXT N/A
Baptismal Grace HTML N/A
Are Catholics Born Again? HTML Catholic Answers answer the question, "are Catholics born again?"
The Necessity of Baptism HTML Catholic Answers writes on the necessity of Baptism.
Infant Baptism HTML Catholic Answers writes about baptizing infants.
Baptism: Immersion Only? HTML Should Baptism be by immersion only?  Find out what Sacred Scripture and the early Christian Church said.
Trinitarian Baptism HTML N/A
Baptized and Born Again Prof. Marcellino D'Ambrosio Real Audio N/A
Baptism, the Eucharist, & Conversion Steve Ray Real Audio N/A
(Listen / Download)
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Real Audio Produced 3/1/98
Baptism and Reconciliation
(Listen / Download)
Fr. Robert J. Fox  Real Audio Produced 5/16/96
Meeting With Christ: Baptism
(Listen / Download)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel  Real Audio Produced 1/30/96 

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Document Name Author Type Desc.
Indulgences Fr. Clement Machado Real Audio N/A
Forgiveness of Sins Karl Keating Real Audio N/A
Want Peace? Try Confession Mary Ann Budnik & Fr. Rich Perozich Real Audio N/A
The Forgiveness of Sins Karl Keating HTML N/A
Confession Karl Keating HTML N/A
Want Peace? Try Confession Real Audio N/A
Forgiveness of Sins Real Audio N/A
Sacrament of Penance Fr. William Most TEXT N/A
Why Go to Confession? Fr. William Saunders TEXT N/A
Purpose and Benefits of Sacramental Penance Pope John Paul II HTML N/A
Forgiveness of Sins Rev. Herbert C. de Launay TEXT N/A
Doing Penance James Akin TEXT N/A
A Good Confession California Youth TEXT N/A
On Reconciliation and Penance in the Mission of the Church Today Pope John Paul II HTML N/A
Aposolic Constitution on Penance Pope Paul VI (1966) TEXT N/A
The Sacrament of Penance HTML N/A
The Sacrament of Penance HTML N/A
On Going to Confession Rev. Fr. Charles E. Irvin HTML N/A
Gods Merciful Love: Episode #11
(Listen / Download)
Douglas Bushman  Real Audio Buschman takes a look at confession and reconciliation. He talks about how we confess our sins and why it is important. The ministry of reconciliation is to bring sinners to know the merciful love of God. We must be merciful as our Heavenly Father is. It is the ultimate test of suitability for ministry in the church is that they should cling to Jesus fo life. Judas shows us what life would be like without the good news of God's merciful love. In order to forgive others one must be forgiven from the heart. He takes a look at the conversion of the penitent woman. To know Christ as ones savior can only happen when with the power of the Holy Spirit one comes to Jesus with hope. 
Forgivness and Reconciliation
(Listen / Download)
Jeff Cavins with Steve Trombecky  Real Audio Produced 12/15/99
Reconciliation is Not Optional
(Listen / Download)
Fr. John Corapi, S.O.L.T. Real Audio Produced 3/27/96

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Document Name Author Type Desc.
The Eucharist HTML N/A
The Real Presence HTML N/A
The Mass HTML N/A
The Sacrifice of the Mass HTML N/A
Who Can Recieve the Eucharist HTML N/A
The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist Aaron Gerlach HTML N/A
The Mystery of the Eucharist Fernando Matro HTML N/A
The Sacrifice of the Eucharist HTML N/A
The Eucharist: This is My Body Dave Armstrong HTML N/A
The Mass: Recrucifying Christ every Day? Steve Ray HTML Steve Ray answers the Eucharist's common object of recrucifying Christ at every Mass.
The Meaning of 'to Eat Flesh', John 6:54-58 Robert Sungenis HTML N/A
The Eucharist, and Protestant Objections Matt1618 HTML N/A

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Document Name Author Type Desc.
Sacrament of Confirmation 'What is it all about?' Tom Sullivan TEXT What is the Sacrament of Confirmation all about?  Well read this and find out!
Confirmation HTML This includes primarily historical proof (Church Fathers).

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Marriage (Holy Matramony)

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Document Name Author Type Desc.
What is Love? Fr. William Most TEXT N/A
Divorce and Remarriage HTML Good Information about Divorce and Remarriage.
Teaching Catholic Morality to Children Carol Egan TEXT N/A
Love is Life Pastoral Letter by Irish Bishops (1986) HTML N/A

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Holy Orders

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Document Name Author Type Desc.
Bishop, Priest, Deacon HTML N/A
Celibacy and the Priesthood HTML N/A
Calling Priests "Father" HTML N/A
Women and the Priesthood HTML N/A
Women and the Priesthood Real Audio N/A
The Role of the Bishop Real Audio N/A
The Catholic Priesthood: What Does It Mean? Real Audio N/A
Priestly Vocations Real Audio N/A
Priestly Celibacy Real Audio N/A

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Extreme Unction

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Document Name Author Type Desc.
Anointing of the Sick: Medicine for Sinners Fr. William Saunders TEXT Didn't the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick used to be called "Extreme Unction"? Why did they change the name? Where did the sacrament come from? When should a person receive this sacrament and how many times? Fr. Saunders answers these questions in this column taken from the June 20, 1996 issue of "The Arlington Catholic Herald." 
Preparation for Death Catholic Encyclopedia TEXT The basic preparation for death: When should a priest be called?; Winding up our earthly affairs; Confession; Viaticum; Extreme Unction; The 'last blessing'; As death approaches; Cases of special need; In medieval England.
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Pope Paul VI HTML Apostolic Constitution Issued Nov. 30, 1972. Restates the doctrine and revises the rite of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.

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Document Name Author Type Desc.
Respect Life Fr. Peter Pilsner TEXT  During Respect Life Month, Fr. Pilsner has been preaching on life issues each Sunday. This Sunday's homily is on euthanasia.
The Legal Logic of Euthanasia Michael M. Uhlmann TEXT A legal scholar examines the flawed logic in the judicial case for euthanasia. Taken from the June-July 1996 issue of "First Things."
What Is the Church's Teaching on Euthanasia? Fr. William Saunders TEXT Fr. Saunders explains the Catholic Church's Teaching on Euthanasia. This article appeared in the December 15, 1994 issue of 'The Arlington Catholic Herald.'
To Live and Die in a Compassionate Community CCCB HTML Text of Canadian Bishops Conference position paper issued on October 26, 1994.
Care of the Sick and Dying MCC HTML A Pastoral Letter from the Bishops of Maryland October 14, 1993
Declaration on Euthanasia CDF HTML Issued by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 1980. 
Evangelium Vitae Pope John Paul II  HTML The Encyclical Gospel of Life, on the value and inviolability of human life. Given in Rome on March 25, 1995.
Assisted Suicide Is Abominable Crime Fr. Gino Concetti, O.F.M. TEXT  Legalization of euthanasia in Australia's Northern Territory adds a monstrous chapter to human history. Taken from the July 10, 1996 issue of "L'Osservatore Romano."
On Combatting Abortion and Euthanasia Pope John Paul II HTML Promulgated May 19, 1991.
No Authority Can Justify Euthanasia Pope John Paul II HTML  In an address to the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers in October 1998, the Pope defends the right to life of the elderly, increasing threatened by civil laws permitting euthanasia.
Church Defends Moral Rights of Citizens John Paul II HTML
The Church "will make use of all available means to defend life from conception to its natural end. For this reason, when radically unjust legislation is introduced, such as abortion and euthanasia, she will continue to be the faithful and staunch defender of the moral rights of citizens who seek to have their convictions respected", the Holy Father said to H.E. Mr. Fernando
Henrique Cardoso, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, when he received him in audience during his official visit on Friday, February 14, 1997. The Pope stated that it is the Christian message that sheds full light on man and authentic human progress.
Why is Euthanasia Wrong? ALL HTML Chapter 106 of the 'Pro-Life Encyclopedia.'
The Euthanasia/ Abortion Connection Frederica Mathewes-Green TEXT 'The objectionable activity is making people die: people who may be small, weak, or disabled, but are not dying; people who cannot defend or speak for themselves. The objection is to creating an ever-widening class of unpersons, persons unwanted or imperfect, and imposing on those persons a duty to die.' Published in Sisterlife, Spring 1991.
Dr. Jack Kevorkian-Serial Killer or Angel of Mercy? Sue Widemark TEXT Researched article on Jack Kevorkian including his background, his views on suicide and death and life in general. Article includes the AMA objections to Kevorkian's assisted suicide.

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