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"Newbie" to Catholicism?

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(Above are different services Catholic Youth Cennter ONLINE offers).

     So you're new to the Catholic Faith are you?  It is great to have you interested in the Catholic Church in what it believes in and why.  The following of this page will be useful inks and what not to help you understand us Catholics. 
  • Do you have a question about the Catholic Faith?  Whether you are writing a paper on the Catholic Religion or simply are interested, please ask us that question (or questions).  We at Catholic Youth Center ONLINE will do our best to answer the question.  Please E-Mail us at: questions@cyc.faithweb.com.
  • Do you want to do a little reading on the Catholic Faith?  Here are some of the texts we recommend for starters:
    • Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth - This booklet by Karl Keating is a fairly easy to understand.  This link will take you outside of CYC ONLINE.
    • The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church - This is writen by Scott Hahn an ex-Protestant minister.  We recommend this because the seven sacraments of the Church are such an important part of our Faith.
    • More Coming Soon... 
  • Do you want to talk to people via chatroom or message board?  Sometimes word of mouth is better then maybe a booklet.  We recommend visiting our chatrooms or message forums.  Since you are most likely new to Catholicism, we suggest the General FAQ discussions.
  • Do you prefer a classroom setting? If this is your case, we might have an option for you!  We know have classes held at various times of the week.  Hopefully we can find a teacher to teach an "Introduction to Catholicim" course.  For now, look at the schedule.
Have a question?

E-Mail us and we will get to you as soon as possible.  Or you can post a message in one of our many message forums.

We know have classes available on-line, we will post the dates and times here.  These classes will be completely free of charge.  If you are interested in teaching a subject, even just a small session, please contact Ash Lux at classes@cyc.faithweb.com.  (Please note, you are donating your time to this cause, teachers will most likely not be paid-sorry).

© 1999-2000 This page is copyright Catholic Youth Center, MAGiC Designs, and Ash Lux.  All Rights Reserved.
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